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Do you sell single dose pods/capsules?

We don't. At this moment we only import and sell coffee beans.

Coffee beans guarantee the best quality for your coffee, are more versatile (depending on how you grind them you can use them with several brewing processes) and they are more environmentally friendly.

They are also very more economically convenient: with 2.2lb (1Kg) of coffee beans you can brew up to 140 single espresso!

Why are the beans dry instead of being oily?

Typically the oils start to appear on the surface of the beans with darker roasting.

Both Cinquestelle and Espresso Casa are medium roasts, therefore they are dryer.

On a side note, most superautomatic (also known as "bean-to-cup") espresso manufacturers recommend the use of dry beans for longer lifespan of the machines.

The oil residues in fact can damage the grinder inside the machine that - unlike standalone grinders - are very difficult to disassemble and clean.

Here you can find a couple of very interesting reading:

- Oily coffee beans explained

- Oily Espresso Beans ⎮ How Oily Beans Can Ruin Your Superautomatic

Aren't beans for espresso supposed to be dark roast?

You can find a lot of reading about this topic on the internet that says everything and the opposit of everything. So the answer is probably that you can make espresso with both roasting levels.

However there is one commonality among all of the readings : the longer you roast the beans the more you hide the characteristics of the beans.

An interesting article that we suggest to read is this one :

Dark roast vs. medium roast: The differences you’ll notice

The following paragraphs are extracted from the article above :

"With a medium roast, you’ll be more able to taste the distinct characteristics of whatever type of coffee bean was used to make your coffee. With dark roast, the roasting process standardizes much of the flavour."

"A medium roast retains some of the bean’s acidity, as well as some of the distinctive flavour of whatever strain of coffee bean was used. For this reason, those who buy expensive or highly-regarded single-origin coffee beans prefer a medium or even light roast."

"Traditionally, dark roast was used to mask the taste of substandard coffee beans..."

My bag was damaged when I received it. What can I do?

We let Amazon fulfillment centers to handle shipping and handling of our products.

If there is problem with the product that you received (for example the bag was ripped) you can request a refund directly to Amazon.

Where can I find more information about Caffe' Cartapani?

Here you can find some useful links :